
sungroup animation

This is our group's animation what we did in the advanced diploma second semester. Our group name is sungroup, it includes Golf, Charlie who come from Thailand, and me, Patrick, there is another guy, Jie, but he most part is doing the game codings and  both of us from China.
From the story to the final animation, all of us work very hard because there are so many works to do in this semester. But finally we almost finish our animation, though there are still some problems.
This animation was made for our Tower Defence game, it include beginning animation, win scene and lose scene. And following is our animation showing:


This story talks about one day, a Pirate leader saw a beutiful Mermaid and he fell love with her, and the Mermaid said she maight give him one chance if he can give her an apple. So after that the Pirate leader sailed his ship to look for the apple. Meanwhile, the Government leader wanted to produce one special food, the Mermaid food, to sell to the nobles. So he sent a fleet to look for Mermaids himself. One day he found a Mermaid that the previous one the Pirate leader love to when the Pirate leader came back after he found the apple. But when the Pirate leader came to the previous rocks the Mermaid already be caught by the Government leader. So the Pirate leader is very sad because he thought the Mermaid didn't love him and went away. But one of his soilders found one can what had the details of the Mermaid Factory when the Pirate leader cried. So the Pirate leader knew what might be happen when he looked for the apple, and he went to the factory and rescued the Mermaid. The Government was sleep when the Pirate leader went to the Factory and rescued the Mermaid. But it is not a long time because the noise waked him up and he saw what's happened. He was so angry that he never though one Pirate can get one Mermaid in his hand. So he sent a much bigger fleet to catch them.

(After the animation, the TD game should be beginning but I can't show the game here.)

Win scene:
The Pirate leader and Mermaid married each other after the Mermaid Island Defense. And they have a lot of babies as well.

Lose scene:
They lose their battle in the Mermaid Island, so the Government leader eat the Mermaid food and the Pirate leader was in the cage.

There is one package for the final Mermaid can:

